Whole foods are those that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. They typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or fat.[1]
The term is often confused with "organic food" (i.e., organically-grown food) but whole foods are not necessarily organic, nor are organic foods necessarily whole, although they do share a number of traits, such as an avoidance of chemically-assisted agricultural techniques. Because of the lack of basic processing, many whole foods have a very short shelf life and are not easily sold outside of farmers' markets.
Examples of whole foods include unpolished grains; fruits and vegetables; unprocessed meat, poultry, and fish; and non-homogenized milk.
There are several ways to meet the body's needs with respect to whole foods. One way is to consume a variety of fresh raw fruits and vegetables every day.
"Diets rich in whole and unrefined foods, like whole grains, dark green and yellow/orange-fleshed vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, contain high concentrations of antioxidant phenolics, fibers and numerous other phytochemicals that may be protective against chronic diseases."[1]

1 banana
1 cup soy, rice, or skim milk
1/4 cup water
1 cup frozen berries
1 cup frozen pineapple
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
Mix in blender until blended and serve!
Note: You can add other ingredients for added nutrition such as a spoon full of bee pollen, coconut oil, flax seed oil, or a scoop of protein powder.
Nutritional Analysis
Calories: 216; Total Fat: 4.8g; Saturated Fat: 0.3g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 17mg; Carbohydrate: 37.8g; Dietary Fiber: 8.6g; Sugars: 21.2g; Protein: 7.2g

Northern Edge® flax seed is the very best there is. No other organic flax product is grown, tested, prepared and cared for like Northern Edge.
Best Growing Conditions
~ Northern Edge® Milled Flaxseed is certified organically-grown by both U.S. and Canadian authorities in a large region of farms at the far northern edge of Canada, which have been growing organically for over 30 years.
~ The environment is pure & clean there at the northern edge of where food crops can grow, north of the 53rd parallel.
~ The flax Seed grown in this area is the highest quality in the world.
~ The soil in this region is free of toxic metals like cadmium. This is one of only two North American flax seed growing areas (both in northern Canada) that meet Europe's strict import standards for excluding toxic metals from foods. All soils in the U.S. are too high in these metals to meet those standards. Flax draws more minerals out of the soil than other plants, which is good if the minerals are nutritional, but a problem when there are toxic metals present.
~ The very cold climate and the rich organic soil of these farms, cause this northern edge flax northern seed to have the highest oil content, about 45%, AND the highest Omega 3 level of the oil, about 60%. This is FAR higher than any other flax product on the market.
Best Preparation
~ With the careful growing, harvesting, cleaning & storage methods the farmers in this area have perfected, their flax seed is known all over the world for being of the highest quality. Broken seeds (which would lead to rancidity problems) are avoided.
~ Every batch of flax seed grown for Northern Edge® is cleaned to 99.9% purity, and tested twice for bacteria, mold and other contaminants, and for rancidity. One test is done at harvest time, the other right before milling.
~ We know of no other company that tests every batch to exclude contaminants.
Best Content
~ Another test is done in selecting flax seed for Northern Edge® to insure the seeds have 45% oil content and that 60%+ of that is Alpha Linolenic Acid, the needed Essential Fatty Acid source of Omega 3 fats.
~ This flaxseed is also tested to insure high content of lignans, protein and minerals.
~ Northern Edge® Flax is on average: 22% protein, 45% oil, 26% fiber (14% soluble, 12% insoluble), and the remaining 7% is made up of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, lignans (antioxidants), enzymes and other trace phytonutrients.
~ Only the very best (about 1/3) of what is certainly the best-grown and cared-for flax seed in the world, is selected for milling by Northern Edge®. The remainder of secondary quality is sold for livestock and other uses.
~ We know of no other company that tests every batch to select only the best seed with the highest nutrient content.
~ In two tablespoonsful, approximately 15 grams (the daily recommendation) of organic Northern Edge® flax seed, there are:
Calories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Total Fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 grams
Trans Fat . . . . . . . 0 grams
- Polyunsaturated 4 grams
- Monounsaturated 1 gram
- Cholesterol . . . . . 0 grams
ALA . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.85 grams
Carbohydrates . . . . . . 4 grams Dietary Fiber . . . . 4 grams
Soluble . . . . . . . 2 grams
Insoluble . . . . . 2 grams
Sugars . . . . . . . . . 0 grams
Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 grams
Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Daily Value
Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Daily Value
Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . 8% Daily Value
Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . 15% Daily Value
Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Daily Value
Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Daily Value
NOTE: Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Although 2 tablepoons of our milled flaxseed contains 80 calories, 50 of them are from the very desirable, high-quality nutritious oil. The rest is mostly from the protein.
The carbohydrate content of flaxseed is virtually all fiber. Flaxseed is the best choice for fiber to help with bowel function. Flaxseed is 26% fiber, and an ideal mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. It is the very best food for the intestine.
Best Milling
~ Northern Edge® flax seed is specially cold-milled to give full benefits. The millhead temperatures are maintained at under 42 degrees Celsius. Milling is a needed process for digestibility and bioavailability. (Whole seeds do not digest.)
~ Northern Edge® has developed a unique, patented flaking process that opens the seed to digestion, yet leaves the oil within the pieces of seed. In order to leave as much of the oil as possible within the cell walls (not exposed to oxygen), this flax seed is milled by slicing. It is not ground, which crushes the seed and is too oxidizing.
~ This slicing or flaking process seals the oil & other nutrients into the pieces of the seeds, protecting and preserving them. The oil seals itself into each tiny piece like a self-sealing envelope.
~ Ordinary grinding of flaxseed is too oxidizing. The oils go rancid; as they do when flax oil is extracted. Expelled flaxseed oil is a fractured, dead food, which also lacks the fiber, protein, enzymes and other nutrients, and has far less lignans than the seeds. (Most of the valuable antioxidant lignans stay with the fiber when the oil is extracted.)
~ On the other hand, whole unmilled flaxseeds cannot be broken down well by chewing nor by the digestive juices, so as much as 90% of the value is missed.
~ Northern Edge® Milled Flaxseed is milled directly into a light-proof bag, ONE BAG AT A TIME, at a cool temperature, and instantly VACUUM-PACKED.
~ The proprietary slicing machinery is thoroughly cleaned after each milling with compressed air. No chemical solvents or soaps are used on the blades which might leave a contaminating residue.
~ Because of these unique procedures, the freshness and purity of Northern Edge Milled® Organic Flaxseed is GUARANTEED. Our flax has been tested as far as 2 years from packing with no detectable deterioration.
~ With the Northern Edge "living food" milling method that preserves the oil and other nutrients, the pieces in which the germ remains intact will actually sprout.
Best To Eat
~ This Northern Edge® flax seed product is milled for easy digestion, and is ready-to-eat. It's slightly nutty flavor tastes great with any other food. It can be sprinkled on or mixed into any dish, such as cereals, salads, sauces, sandwiches, eggs, potatoes, rice or other grains; in muffins, bread or casseroles; in juices and blender drinks; in applesauce; on vegetables or fruits; in yogurt or cottage cheese; even on ice cream!
Note About Color: Golden vs. Brown Seeds
The color of flax has no bearing on its nutritional value, despite claims of superiority by growers of golden flax. In tests conducted by the Canadian Grain Commission in the summer of 2001, the "Dakota Gold" flax from South Dakota was shown to have 43-44% oil content, while the Canadian brown flax tested had 44%, virtually the same.
However, the level of ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid -- source of Omega 3 fatty acids) in the Canadian brown seed was 59% of the oil, compared to 51% in the "Dakota Gold". This difference is due to the colder Canadian climate, and better soil quality, not the color variety.
Both the Canadian brown and "Dakota Gold" flax are superior in oil content to other flax grown in the U.S. which has far less oil.
However, unlike any other North American flax, Northern Edge® Flax seed is free of toxic cadmium; and it is the only flax seed tested to ensure the highest ALA oil level as well as purity from contaminants.
Further, golden flax is a hybrid plant. Hybrids are generally weaker than standard varieties of a plant, and usually do not absorb nutrients from the soil as thoroughly.
Additionally, chemical-based farming is commonly used with hybrid plants, which are more susceptible to pests and blights. "Golden flax" is rarely organically-grown.
Simply The Best
~ The growing, harvesting and storage methods of the conscientious organic farmers who raise flax seed for Northern Edge® result in the cleanest and most nutritious flax product on the market, with no rancidity.
~ Their careful procedures eliminate broken seeds which can contaminate a batch with rancidity. Our growers are paid six times as much for their organic flax seed as would be paid for normal flax seed at the grain elevator.
~ This is one of only two North American flax seed products (both Canadian) acceptable under Europe's strict import standards for heavy metal (cadmium) toxicity.
~ No other flax seed is as high in oil content and ALA (Omega 3 source) content (every batch is tested).
~ No other flax seed is tested for rancidity.
No other flax seed is tested for bacteria and mold (tested twice).
~ No other flax seed is milled by this proprietary slicing and packing method that seals the oil in the pieces and minimizes its exposure to air, heat and light.
~ No other flax seed is cold-milled in the dark directly into the light-proof container and instantly vacuum-sealed.
~ Other producers mill their lesser quality flax into a large hopper where it sits for a length of time, then they fill the containers from there.
~ Flax oil makes up a large segment of the flax product market. The oil is expelled from the seed leaving behind most of the antioxidant lignans, the protein, the fiber, and the vitamins. minerals and enzymes.
~ Exposure to light and oxygen begins the spoilage process. Rancidity quickly spreads through an oil-rich medium like an infection. Free radicals create more free radicals (peroxides). So flax oil, oil capsules or other brands of pre-ground flax are NOT the best choices for the consumer.
~ Northern Edge® Milled Flaxseed combines the benefits obtained from consuming flax seed oil, antioxidants (lignans), fiber (including mucilage soluble fiber), and high quality protein plus, with vitamins, minerals and enzymes all in one complete wholesome product.
About Grinding Flax At Home
The whole flax seeds available for home grinding, even when organically-grown, are inevitably too high in toxic metals and other contaminants, and too low in oil, Omega 3 source fatty acid and other nutrients. There is no other flax that even approaches the quality of Northern Edge®.
Further, if the blades of a grinder are not cleaned properly each time, rancid oils remain to infect the next batch with free radicals. On the other hand, cleaning with typical dish soap leaves traces of chemicals as well as oil residues on the blades.
Why bother with tedious grinding and clean-up when you can eat far better flax seed from Northern Edge® that is ready to eat. Your time and your health are each worth more than the few dollars difference in cost.
Be wary: whole unmilled flaxseed is NOT digestible by humans. It only acts as a good fiber for the intestine. (In fact it moves so efficiently that after it passes through the digestive tract it can be planted and it will grow.)
Flaxseed needs to be milled to allow the digestive tract to absorb the nutrients contained in the seed. However, bulk milled flax seeds or flax oil may rapidly go rancid by exposing the oil to light and air, resulting in a poor shelf-life.
Properly prepared and protected, milled flax can be eaten raw, blended into drinks, sprinkled on ice cream or cooked and baked into items without losing much of it's nutritional value.
Flax is the best known source for the two most essential fatty acids: Linoleic [LA, (18:2)] and the less common Linolenic [LNA. (18:3)]; which combat heart attacks, breast and colon cancer, arthritis, severe menstrual cramps -- even depression.
Organic Northern Edge® Milled Flaxseed is for many reasons the best flax product in the world.
No other flax seed is grown, tested, or milled and packed like Northern Edge®.
The freshness and goodness of other flax products is much less than one so carefully grown and prepared. It is free of contaminants and protected from oxidation, yet ready to eat so it can be conveniently used daily.